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- /* strings - print ASCII strings in a file Author: Peter S. Housel */
- /*
- This is a version of the BSD "strings" program for Minix. It is used
- to search a file for printable strings. To install,
- cc -o strings strings.c
- chmem =8000 strings
- Command: strings - search file for printable strings
- Syntax: strings [-] [-o] [-len] file ...
- Flags: - Search the entire file. If this option is not given, only
- the initialized data segment of files that appear to be
- "a.out" format is searched.
- -o Print the offset (in octal) with each string.
- -len Use "len" as the minimum string length. The default is 4.
- Examples: strings core
- strings -o a.out > str
- Strings searches the specified file(s) for printable ASCII strings (four
- or more printable characters followed by a newline or a null) and writes
- them to the standard output. This can be used to find out, for example, to
- find out what program a "core" file came from, what kinds of error messages
- are in an executable, or to see ASCII data hidden in a "binary" data file.
- P.S. The program doesn't use the "a.out.h" file posted last week by
- Dick van Veen, both because it was written before then, and because
- not everybody has a.out.h yet. Future revisions probably ought to, though.
- */
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- /* Minix (8086 version) dependant definitions */
- #define SMALLMAGIC 0x04100301L /* small model a.out magic number */
- #define SEPARATEMAGIC 0x04200301L /* separate instruction/data a.out */
- #define HDR_MAGIC 0 /* 0'th long magic number */
- #define HDR_HSIZE 1 /* 1'st long size of header */
- #define HDR_TSIZE 2 /* 2'nd long size of text */
- #define HDR_DSIZE 3 /* 3'rd long size of init'ed data */
- #define HDR_BSIZE 4 /* 4'th long size of bss */
- #define HDR_TOTMEM 6 /* 6'th long total memory */
- #define HDR_LEN 8 /* total length of header */
- /* Miscellaneous definitions */
- #define STRLEN 4 /* default minimum string length */
- #define STRBUF 512 /* buffer length for strings */
- int main(int argc, char **argv);
- void strings(char *filename);
- void usage(void);
- int match_accent(int c);
- int strmin = STRLEN; /* minimum string length */
- int printoff = 0; /* print octal offset of each str */
- int objall = 0; /* search entire a.out file, not */
- int acceptacc = 0; /* accept french accents */
- static unsigned char accents[]={0xE9,0xE0,0xE7,0xE8,0xEA,0xF9,0};
- int match_accent(int c)
- {
- int i,rc=0;
- if (acceptacc)
- {
- i=0;
- while ((accents[i]!=0)&&(!rc))
- {
- rc= (c==accents[i++]);
- }
- }
- return rc;
- }
- /* Just initialized data segment */
- int main(argc, argv)
- /* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
- int argc;
- char *argv[];
- {
- while ((++argv, --argc) && '-' == (*argv)[0]) {
- if (!strcmp(*argv, "-"))
- ++objall;
- else if (!strcmp(*argv, "-o"))
- ++printoff;
- else if (!strcmp(*argv, "-a"))
- ++acceptacc;
- else if (isdigit((*argv)[1]))
- strmin = atoi(&(*argv)[1]);
- else
- usage();
- }
- if (0 == argc) usage();
- while (argc--) strings(*argv++);
- return(0);
- }
- void strings(filename)
- /* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
- char *filename;
- {
- char buf[STRBUF]; /* the strings buffer */
- char *bufptr; /* pointer into the strings buffer */
- FILE *input; /* input file */
- long header[HDR_LEN]; /* buffer for reading the header */
- long offset; /* file offset */
- long limit; /* limit, if doing data segment only */
- int c; /* input character */
- if (NULL == (input = fopen(filename, "r"))) {
- fprintf(stderr, "strings: ");
- perror(filename);
- exit(1);
- }
- if (HDR_LEN == fread(header, sizeof(long), (size_t)HDR_LEN, input)
- && (SMALLMAGIC == header[HDR_MAGIC]
- ||SEPARATEMAGIC == header[HDR_MAGIC]) && !objall) {
- offset = header[HDR_HSIZE] + header[HDR_TSIZE]; /* object file */
- limit = offset + header[HDR_DSIZE];
- } else {
- offset = 0L;
- limit = 0L;
- }
- fseek(input, offset, 0);
- bufptr = buf;
- while (!limit || offset < limit) {
- if (EOF == (c = getc(input))) break;
- if ((('\0' == c || '\n' == c) && bufptr - buf >= strmin)
- || (bufptr - buf == STRBUF - 1)) {
- *bufptr = '\0';
- if (printoff) printf("%lo:", offset - (bufptr - buf));
- puts(buf);
- bufptr = buf;
- } else if ((' ' <= c && c < 0177) || ('\t' == c) || (match_accent(c)))
- *bufptr++ = c;
- else
- bufptr = buf;
- ++offset;
- }
- fclose(input);
- }
- void usage()
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "usage: strings [-] [-o] [-a] [-len] file ...\n");
- exit(1);
- }